It is no secret that Electric Amp, USA makes the biggest and loudest cabinets in the USA Indy Scene.
We are confident that the quality of materials, design and craftmanship of our cabinets is top of the music industry.The EA-8x10, 6x12, and our 4x15 threesome are 5 cabinets that really deliver the musical message.
Traditional EA-4x12 & 2x12 Cabinets are hands down the Root of hardcore USA MADE HIGH Quality Pro Audio.Hand Made from Marine Grade Baltic Birch Ply, fitted together by Fine Crafted Joints & reinforced with solid wood.
Our baffle is designed for MONDO Volume and Projection of Tone. The baffle is secured with high grade steel screws.
Long Life, Service and Maintenance made easy by EA-PRO AUDIO Trade Mark Designs. All Wood and Metal.
Inside the EA-4x12.![]()
Inside the 6x12![]()
Inside the 8x10![]()
Secure baffle mount for long life.![]()
Secure speakers with stainless steel locking screws.![]()
Reinforced Joints![]()
Super Heavy Duty corners and stainless steel screws.![]()
Metal Jack Plate and Metal Switchcraft TM Input Jacks![]()
Top Quality, and Old School all the way from the second you input !![]()
SOLID MAPLE EA-SKI on the bottom.![]()
8x10 & 4x15 have the option of the 2 mounted wheels.
Tilt back and transport the cabinet easy holding 2 handles.![]()
Angled so you can steer the 2 wheels when tilted back.
The ELECTRIC - LUV Handle tm
Our handles are comfortable to the Musicians Hands.
Made of wood, routered for your comfort and long life durability.
Reinforced from behind to give your hand a full round grip.
The Clean Straight Forward Handle on Speaker Cabs.
ALL Of our cabs have this handle system.
10" Speaker Cabinets
8X10 Cab - 51.5 x 16 x 29, 172lbs, 2800watt
@4om Mono 1400watt @8om stereo.
REAR Loaded with Eminence Delta 10" Speakers.
4X10 Cab - 28 x 16 x 28 120lbs
REAR Loaded with Eminence Delta 10" Speakers.
4x10 w/2x15 Cab - 51.5 x 16 x 29, 165lbs, 2300watt
@ 4om Mono [SUPER CAB!]
12" Speaker Cabinets
4X12 Cab - 28.5 x 14.5 x 30.5, 112lbs, 480watt
or 600watt 16om or 8om.
Loaded with Eminence Man - O - War 12" Speakers
6X12 Cab - 43 x 14.5 x 30.5, 144lbs, 720watt @8om
Mono / 360watt @16 om Stereo
Loaded with Eminence Man - O - War 12" Speakers.
2X12 Horizontal Cab - 21 7/8 x 14.5 x 30.5
88lbs, 240 or 300watt @16om or 8om.
Loaded with Eminence Man - O - War or Tonker 12" Speakers.
2X12 Vertical Cab - 28.5 x 16 x 21 7/8, 88lbs, 240 or 300watt
@16om or 8om.
Loaded with Eminence Man - O - War or Tonker 12" Speakers.
2X12 Vertical Horizontal Cab - 28.5 x 16 x 21 7/8,
88lbs, 240 or 300watt @16om or 8om.
Loaded with Eminence Man - O -
War or Tonker 12" Speakers.
15" Speaker Cabinets:
4X15 Cab - 51.5 X 16 X30.5, 160lbs, 1800watt @ 8om
or 4om
Eminence Kappa 15" Speakers
4X15 DA Cab - 51.5 x 18 x 29, 167lbs, 1800watt @ 8om
or 4om
DOS ANGLE Baffle Cabinet. This unique cab is a surround Bin of Bass
Eminence Kappa 15" Speakers, 2 Vertical & 2 mounted Horizontal up /down.
4X15 FH Cab - 57.5 x 16 x 30.5, 180lbs, 1800watt @
8om or 4om
FOLDED HORN Cab our 2nd style of open front baffle 4x15.
Eminence Kappa 15" Speakers
2X15 Cab - 28.5 x 14.5 x 30.5, 100lbs, 900watt @ 16om
or 8om
Eminence Kappa 15" Speakers
1X15 Cab - 24 x 16 x 24, 67lbs, 450watt @16om
or 8om
Eminence Kappa 15" Speaker
all rights reserved 2004 - ELECTRIC AMP INNOVATIONS, USA -